Turnabout sucks, don’t it?

Yesterday the blogosphere and left-wing news was all flustered over the McCain-Palin Campaign’s charge that Barry O was referring to Sarah Palin in his “lipstick on a pig” comment. I really think the whole thing is hillarious. For nearly two years of B.O.’s shuckin’ and jivin’, we’ve consistently heard from him how racist the right is. We’ve been told what we’re supposedly really thinking. Even that douche bag Whoopi Goldberg thinks white people are afraid of B.O. because he’s black. Now the shoe is on the other foot and Barry has to watch out or what he says will be twisted. I honestly think the Republicans are just trying to give B.O. a taste of his own medicine.

The reality is, while there are a few dip-sticks out there voting against B.O. because they are genuine racists, the overwhelming majority of us who “fear” B.O. winning the election do so because we are scared of what he says he’ll do.

We’ve figured out that despite the fact that Barry and the media would have everyone think we fear his ties to Islam, his lack of flags, his middle name, his goofy ears, etc., we really fear higher taxes, loss of liberty, and defeat in the war on terror. The things he says he wants to do are far more concerning that the sideshow.

4 Responses to “Turnabout sucks, don’t it?”

  1. I’ve got a sincere (and not intentionally politically charged) question for you:

    Assume that the Patriot Act represents a loss of freedoms and liberties. I’m not going to suggest whether this is either good or bad; I think there are convincing arguments to be made for both opinions.

    But I’m questioning the idea that Obama’s election will result in a loss, while glancing in the direction of the Bush administration. How can you be worried about Obama while not lamenting our current situation? Why would “Not Obama” result in “Not a Loss”?

  2. George Bush is not running. He is out, so the current situation with respect to the President is moot. Some of the Patriot Act needs review by Congress, but given there are have been few ill effects of it, that is a low priority. The loss of liberty I referred to but did not expound on refers more to B.O.’s promised march towards Marxism, including, but not limited to:

    – Socialized medicine: your freedom to choose a provider, amount to pay, amount of coverage is gone under his promised plan.
    – Rescind or limit the right to bear arms: B.O. does not support the right of citizens to own firearms. He will appoint judges that agree with him and support laws to disarm Americans.
    – Control of everyday choices: he and his Baby Mama have made stump speeches that infer that he will work to limit our use of electricity and fuel (can’t have a thermostat at 72), limit our food storage and consumpton, limit the type of vehicles we can own, force participation civil programs like his green brigade, CCC, and Peace Corps. He has promised to force us to change our way of life and his wife has done the same.

    Whether or not he can accomplish all he wants remains to be seen, of course, but what he has promised to work towards scares me. He is a Marxist to the n-th degree. His church of 20 years (that he bailed on for political expediency) espouses Marxism as do his policy positions.

    The controls the Bush Administration ALONG WITH CONGRESS have pushed for, such as the Patriot Act and FISA do very little to change the overall way of life for most Americans. I’m not saying I agree with them all, but B.O. wants to control our everyday lives.

  3. I would like to see a credible link to statements Obama’s made about how racist the right is. Quotes, maybe.

  4. I am referring to the multiple speeches where he talks about how the Republicans will make you afraid of him. I did a quicky search on You Tube…I can find some others with dates, etc. later…

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4bx-ccbSic (“They’re going to try to make you afraid of me…did I mention, he’s black?”)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=talCQHS6u2k (“He doesn’t look like the other presidents on the dollar bills”)

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