Archive for the Democrats Category

So you think Palin’s a religious nut?

Posted in Democrats, Interesting Quote, Liberals, Palin, Worth a look on September 12, 2008 by Harry

How about the Democratic party’s own Congressman Steve Cohen who said from the floor of congress,

But if you want change, you want the Democratic party, Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus who our minister prayed about. Pontius Pilate was a governor.

Sarah Palin is about as far from being a “Pontius Pilate” as B.O. from being Jesus…

The Little Red Hen

Posted in Al Gore Food Shortages, Democrats, Liberal Fascism, Liberals, Poor, Welfare, Whiners, Worth a look on September 12, 2008 by Harry

The Little Red Hen called all of her Democrat neighbors together and said, ‘If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?’

‘Not I,’ said the cow.

‘Not I,’ said the duck.

‘Not I,’ said the pig.

‘Not I,’ said the goose.

‘Then I will do it by myself,’ said the little red hen, and so she did. The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain.

‘Who will help me reap my wheat?’ asked the little red hen.

‘Not I,’ said the duck..

‘Out of my classification,’ said the pig.

‘I’d lose my seniority,’ said the cow.

‘I’d lose my unemployment compensation,’ said the goose.

‘Then I will do it by myself,’ said the little red hen, and so she did.

At last it came time to bake the bread.

‘Who will help me bake the bread?’ asked the little red hen.

‘That would be overtime for me,’ said the cow.

‘I’d lose my welfare benefits,’ said the duck.

‘I’m a dropout and never learned how,’ said the pig.

‘If I’m to be the only helper, that’s discrimination,’ said the goose.

‘Then I will do it by myself,’ said the little red hen.

She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see. They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, ‘No, I shall eat all five loaves.’

‘Excess profits!’ cried the cow. (Nancy Pelosi)

‘Capitalist leech!’ screamed the duck. (Barbara Boxer)

‘I demand equal rights!’ yelled the goose. (Jesse Jackson)

The pig just grunted in disdain. (Ted Kennedy)

And they all painted ‘Unfair!’ picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.

Then the farmer (Obama) came. He said to the little red hen, ‘You must not be so greedy.’

‘But I earned the bread,’ said the little red hen.

‘Exactly,’ said Obama the farmer. ‘That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle.’

And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, ‘I am grateful, for now I truly understand.’

But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her. She never again baked bread because she joined the ‘party’ and got her bread free. And all the Democrats smiled. ‘Fairness’ had been established.

Individual initiative had died, but nobody noticed; perhaps no one cared…so long as there was free bread that ‘the rich’ were paying for.

Turnabout sucks, don’t it?

Posted in Democrats, Liberals, Media Bias, Presidential election on September 11, 2008 by Harry

Yesterday the blogosphere and left-wing news was all flustered over the McCain-Palin Campaign’s charge that Barry O was referring to Sarah Palin in his “lipstick on a pig” comment. I really think the whole thing is hillarious. For nearly two years of B.O.’s shuckin’ and jivin’, we’ve consistently heard from him how racist the right is. We’ve been told what we’re supposedly really thinking. Even that douche bag Whoopi Goldberg thinks white people are afraid of B.O. because he’s black. Now the shoe is on the other foot and Barry has to watch out or what he says will be twisted. I honestly think the Republicans are just trying to give B.O. a taste of his own medicine.

The reality is, while there are a few dip-sticks out there voting against B.O. because they are genuine racists, the overwhelming majority of us who “fear” B.O. winning the election do so because we are scared of what he says he’ll do.

We’ve figured out that despite the fact that Barry and the media would have everyone think we fear his ties to Islam, his lack of flags, his middle name, his goofy ears, etc., we really fear higher taxes, loss of liberty, and defeat in the war on terror. The things he says he wants to do are far more concerning that the sideshow.

Oprah underscores Left’s approach to opposition

Posted in Democrats, Liberal Fascism, Liberals, Presidential election on September 6, 2008 by Harry

Oprah announced this week that she would love to have Sarah Palin on the show, but not before the election. That just wouldn’t be right, of course, to have someone with an opposing viewpoint on a show that reaches such a broad audience of American women. What it demonstrates to me is this:

  • As usual, the Left likes free speech and free exchange of ideas, so long as those ideas are the same as theirs
  • This is still more proof that the Left is terrified of what Sarah Palin can do to the chances of Obama losing his already patheticly small lead
  • The Left is not at all genuine in their support of women, only women that uphold the Left’s opinions and platform

One would think that if Barry Obama is so terrific and that he can really live up to the messianical hype, that Oprah would welcome a chance to show that Sarah Palin might be a nice gal, but not fit for the White House. On the contrary, Oprah runs away from the possibility that her audience might be able to form their own opinion and what’s worse, that it might not be HER opinion that they embrace. Oprah is quoted as saying,

“At the beginning of this presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates.”

Obviously her show isn’t a platform for anything but her opinion. I have to admit, I have never liked Oprah. I’ve never seen the fascination, but she does tend to draw a lot of women in and she, much like B.O., has a knack for giving her audience what they want- lots of cool sounding tripe and free stuff.

Back-handed support from the Obamas

Posted in Democrats, Liberals, Palin, Presidential election on September 5, 2008 by Harry

I’ve seen a few quotes from Barry Obama and his Baby Mama coming out in “defense” of Sarah Palin and her family. They are supposedly trying to call off the dogs on the whole out-of-wedlock baby thing, but I find that they are really jumping on this to get in a cheap shot and keep the pregnancy in the lime-light.

BO’s Baby Mama had this to say on Ellen:

“[What he said is] one of the reasons why I’m proud of my husband and I love him,” she said. “He’s been very protective of our kids through this process, and his view is that, ‘What’s good for my kids is good for everybody’s kids,’ and I completely agree with him. I know that [the Palins] care about their kids, and we should let them deal with this issue.”

Of course, Ellen also brought us another glimpse into the psyche of the Obamas.
When Ellen asked if she would consider ever having more kids, the potential next first lady replied,

“I think I’m done. I think our third child is this campaign.”

McCain – Palin ’08…I’m sold.

Posted in Conservatives, Democrats, Presidential election on August 29, 2008 by Harry

I am absolutely sold, with very limited reservations, on Sarah Palin as McCain’s running-mate. I first heard about her late last year and have been hoping she’d get the nod. I told my wife weeks ago and again this last weekend that McCain really needs to go with Palin. The timing of this and the historic nature of the move are all a bonus.

The MSNmessiah, B.O., was ripped out of the headlines this morning. His predictable, stale acceptance speech in Mile High got hardly any play online and in the news today as McCain’s announcement stole the show.

Now the hypocrites on the left are bashing Palin as being too young, too good looking, and too inexperienced. My favorite is the criticism that she’s never been in Washington (I thought we needed a fresh face and real change…) She doesn’t look like the Presidents on the dollar bills. They can’t stand the fact that everything that is wrong with McCain’s VP pick (you know, the number two spot, not the top spot with all the authority) is everything that is wrong with their pick of Barry O.

The fact is, while Palin is younger, hotter, and smells better than B.O., she is still head and shoulders above Barack when it comes to what matters- experience. She actually has years of experience in an executive position. B.O. has none. Barry has been nothing but a junior legislator in Illinois and the U.S. Senate. The only significant legislation he has put forward is his silly Global Poverty Act where he intends to steal nearly a trillion dollars from Americans to give to the U.N.

Palin has several years of actual executive experience as a mayor and governor. She killed the “Bridge to Nowhere” project that B.O. couldn’t stop. She’s led her State toward self-sufficiency, away from relying on the government to keep them afloat. She has made a real difference in politics and the “business as usual” wanderings of the GOP. She’s one of very few politicians who understands the need to balance the needs of the environment with the needs of our civilization. Moreover, she was one of a handful of politicians willing to take a stand to eco-terrorists who lied to the World about polar bear populations in an effort to make them protected.

Honestly, she is the only reason I can have any faith in voting for the GOP ticket. Had this pick really gone to some crack-pot scheme like Lieberman or Huckleberry, I would be “throwing my vote away” on a write-in or Bob Barr. Now I actually feel some glimmer of hope. Of course my biggest hope is that Sarah doesn’t let me down. I hope she can be the one to remind the younger generations that we HAD the policies of B.O. and they FAILED. They destroyed self-sufficiency and productivity in America. We had “progressives” in office. That’s how we ended up with the New Deal. That’s how we ended up with insurmountable debt that will plague us for generations. Barry can whine about “failed Bush policies” all he wants- that doesn’t mean they’ve failed. Saying it doesn’t make it so.

Here’s my prediction (and I won’t edit it later): McCain-Palin win by more than 5% of the popular vote AND take the electoral college, much to the shock and awe of the Left who will spend the next 4 years bitching and moaning the same rants of the last 8. From my lips (well, keyboard) to God’s ear I pray!

Blood is shooting from my eyes!!

Posted in Democrats, Liberal Fascism, Liberals, Presidential election on July 25, 2008 by Harry

I can’t stand it! This crap has got to stop. Why would any freedom loving American even consider B.O. for President for even a moment? This dumb bastard is so un-American, it’s pathetic. Now he’s calling on Iran (you know, that whacked out country of savages bent on World destruction?) to accept the calls of European leaders to stop enriching uranium. What the hell???!!! Hey Barry, how about you call on Iran to STFU and listen to the UNITED STATES!? How about they do what WE want, not what the prissy little bitches in Europe want? You know, the EU “leaders” who won’t stand up for a damn thing. The EU leaders who have let Islamofascists overrun their countries. I really hope Americans wake up before November and realize what a farce Barack Obama really is.

People of Europe, I send you the rainbow of the United States…

Posted in Democrats, Liberal Fascism, Liberals, Presidential election on July 24, 2008 by Harry

Is it just me, or is this whirlwind trip through Europe and the Middle East eerily remniscent of Eva Peron’s 1947 Rainbow Tour? What a farce. Today the AP filed yet another glowing article describing the messianical appearance in Germany. From the article,

Barack Obama on Thursday summoned Europeans and Americans together to “defeat terror and dry up the well of extremism that supports it” as surely as they conquered communism a generation ago.

I find this incredibly ironic, saying that we conquered communism when everything Barry Obama stands for is communistic to the core. This Marxist puke is wildly popular in Europe because they see what I see- the opportunity for socialism to take hold in the U.S., decimate our way of life, and bring us down to the level of the second world nations of Europe.

Obama is an embarrassment to our country. The gaffe’s this guy has racked up on this trip are covered up by the leftist media love affair for this guy, a guy they love more than any “World leader” since the love affair with Mussolini.

It’s time for American voters to wake up. Obama does not want change toward prosperity and freedom, rather he wants to change our nation to live in oppression like Europe. Sure, they can smoke dope and have legal hookers, but the socialist regimes of Europe keep their people enslaved under tyrranical, insane laws and despotic, exploitive taxes.

Swap a few words and situations, and the song is uncanny…

Obama Heckled in Jerusalem…

Posted in Current Events, Democrats, Funny, Liberal Fascism, Liberals, Media Bias, Presidential election on July 23, 2008 by Harry

On Barry’s amazing “Rainbow Tour” through the World, he was heckled at the Wailing Wall doing his best to impersonate a Jew while a man in the crowd repeatedly shouted in Hebrew, “Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale!”

The Che Revolution…

Posted in Democrats, Liberal Fascism, Liberals, War on Terror on July 20, 2008 by Harry

Glenn Beck has a great op-ed piece on the Che t-shirt craze…